Al wat ik weet over driebanden / All I know about three cushion
The book is in Flemish/Dutch AND in English (translation by Bert Van Manen). It is a hard cover book,size 17 x 24 cm with 270 pages.It contains more than 200 illustrations and pictures in 4 colours.
The book is a hard cover book,size 17 x 24 cm with 270 pages. It contains more than 200 illustrations and pictures in 4 colours.
The illustrations are made with a computer program, a Progressive Web App, specially developed for this book by a Dutch IT engineer. This program gives for every shot the lines of ball 1 and ball 2, the english you must put on the ball, the amount of ball 2 you must hit, the kiss zones and the departure-,arrival- and aiming values.
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ERM(European Representation and Management)
Franse Lei nr 5, B-2950 Kapellen Belgium